Symbols of the world's religions



Part Four

Dr. William Donkin

21/8/39: We are now pretty well settled in our bungalow; a separate one for the ladies at the "Links", but only about one-fourth mile away. Baidul is in charge of the ashram, Eruch does the shopping, and the Swami is the interpreter for the local languages.

Baba has since become keen on another site for the ashram, but whether he will take it, and really build there, only he, no doubt, knows. At any rate, he has the Dewan behind him, which is a useful thing.

The Dewan came to see Baba two days ago at the Links, and we all went to see him there too. Baba was the only one in old clothes; all the others being dressed up for the occasion, and Baba's room all done in what he called Persian style, with cushions of the floor and a bowl of fruit at Baba's feet.

Baba's latest suggestion is that I shall get a job in a hospital here for some months 'till his hospital in the ashram is ready, and this will be useful experience for me to work in his hospital later. Thus, the dispensary here is a little redundant, as we have brought all the drugs and instruments down here and arranged them in a special room ready for use. Now we are only to use these for the mandali and the ladies, but this is how Baba "works".

It is really wonderful to see Baba with Muhammed; he plays with him like a child. Mohammed now wants a fat wife with 18 children. Baba, he says, must look after the children!

I am still being rather spoilt, with special trays for meals, but no doubt this will gradually be taken away until there is no difference between my treatment and that of the other mandali.

Baba teases Chanji rather a lot in a good-natured sort of way, much to everyone's amusement. The other day Baba said what is there but eating, digesting, and emptying the bowels in this life — all filth under the skin, and six layers of filth to get to Baba inside all the bodies!

The same evening Baba and the boys describing how people in the mandali eat; Swami with mouth open; Baidul screws his food with his fingers on the plate; etc. And an amusing tale of Vishnu on the Italian boat once; he couldn't eat spaghetti with a fork; so he looked round to see if anyone was looking, and then piled it all in with his hands.

The crisis over Poland seems to be hotting up, and Baba is wearing a reddish brown coat! But I don't think war will come yet: Baba says eventually there must either be a war or a revolution to avoid war.

Baba told me yesterday that I was to be with him ever, and leave him never! Thus he called "Chinese Poetry" — anything a bit complicated and stupid, Baba calls Chinese or Chanji! Poor Chanji!

24/8/39: I have today been to the Victorian Hospital, whereby arrangement with the Dewan at Baba's request, I am to work in an honorary capacity to get experience. I start work there tomorrow. Yesterday, Kaka and Jal brought in two masts to Baba, one who saw Baba was God. Baba said he was on the 6th plane, and was his agent for this district so was pleased with Kaka's work. (See p. 122-3, Wayfarers — Chaddar Baba.)

It seems as if Baba is settled on this 2nd site near the Bangalore-Mysore City road, and steps are being taken to purchase the site through the government.

Adi arrived last night with a newcomer to Baba's mandali, who has given up all to be with Baba.

26/8/39: Rumours of war in Europe, which we don't believe, but things must sure be hot there.

Baba explaining things about life, etc. "X", a man who has been given "hell" by his wife, said humorously, "human love is either sunstroke or moonstroke, and yours is sunstroke." Baba also said he, Baba, was "not" a Yogi, with a long face, but had 100% humour, was 100% human, 100% God". Mohammed still wants a fat wife and 18 children.

THE AWAKENER MAGAZINE, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 8-9, ed. Filis Frederick
1983 © Universal Spiritual League in America, Inc. All rights reserved.

My Days with the Master
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Five


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