Symbols of the world's religions


Baba's Work with Women in the West
Part 10

Filis Frederick


What did these eight women all have in common? They were cultured, charming, good-looking, too! Intelligent, talented, strong-willed, intuitive, courageous, and had a good sense of humour. Sociologically they were white, Western, upper-class women who had some financial freedom to follow a spiritual life, and were not over-burdened with domestic duties. But these are all external criteria. Inwardly, they had a strong drive towards God. All had searched for enlightenment before meeting Baba. All had deep connections with Him; they recognized Him almost immediately, and surrendered their lives to Him unconditionally. But it is their love for the Godman, Meher Baba, that is the keynote to their character. Also — at moments, through their eyes, you could see Baba looking at you!!

Of course, there are other Western women who have served Baba's cause well. There is Kim (Tolhurst) Grajera, the striking Titian-haired beauty with the lovely voice, for whom Kimco was named; Baba visited her mansion, Penn in England, for a day, and in her home on Riverside Drive in New York our Monday Night group used to meet.

There is Anita (de Caro) Vieillard, who met Baba as a young art student in New York, and together with her husband Roger, "holds the fort" in Paris. There is Rano Gayley, the Westerner who never left India, who still considers it her home, and of whose artistic talents Baba made such interesting use.

And: Mary Backett, Baba's archangel, who, with her husband Will, helped Delia in the early London years. Hedi Mertens, in whose home Baba stayed many times in Switzerland. Irene Billo, another Swiss, perhaps the youngest Westerner of all to share the ashram life in India. Agnes Baron, "Baba's watchdog," at Meher Mount, Ojai, California, who has done such good work for Baba among young people on drugs. Mother Kyle, the Theosophy leader, who gave it up for Baba and met Him at 95 years of age. "I'm so old," she told Baba, who replied, "So am I, I am the Ancient One." Jean Shaw, who, with Darwin Shaw, has worked for Baba since the Thirties. (They were caretakers at the Center for a year.) Ruano Bogislav, who had the unique privilege of meeting Baba's top "direct agent" — an American Indian — in Albuquerque, N.M. Ella Winterfeldt — a pillar of love and support to the New York Monday Night Group, together with her husband, Fred.

In Los Angeles, it was Marguerite Poley and Hilda Fuchs who carried on the work for Him, together with Ruth White, who ended her days at the Center in Myrtle Beach — at 95 she bravely joined us in our trip to India in 1962. And Jane Haynes, the gracious docent of the Myrtle Beach Center, who is "hostess" for Him there still. Anna Karasch, who worked for Him through the "Society for Avatar Meher Baba." In Australia, a strong core of women helped Francis Brabazon to make Avatar's Abode a reality (it was actually Ena Lemmon who first asked Baba to visit Australia).

No one, of course, plans their life as a "role model" for others. Nevertheless, in their faith and devotion to Meher Baba and His cause, these women have inspired us all. If they have faults, like the rest of us, they have used them not as stumbling blocks but as stepping stones on His "Path of Love; their virtues they leave to Him. Jai Baba and chelo!!


Avatar by Jean Adriel, J.F. Kennedy Press 1971
The Path of Love, Meher Baba, Samuel Weiser 1976
The God-Man, C. B. Purdom, Sheriar Press 1971
The Dance of Love, Margaret Craske, Sheriar Press 1980
How A Master Works, Ivy Duce, Sufism ReOriented 1975
Love Alone Prevails, Kitty Davy, Sheriar Press 1981
Because of Love, Rano Gayley, Sheriar Press 1983
Meher Baba Journals, 1938-1941 printed in India

THE AWAKENER, Vol. XX, Nr. 2, pp. 49-50
1983 © Universal Spiritual League in America, Inc.

Heroines of the Path
Princess Norina Matchabelli: 2A, 2B, 2C
Margaret Craske: 3A, 3B, 3C
Jean Adriel: 4A, 4B, 4C
Elizabeth Chapin Patterson: 5A, 5B, 5C
Nadine Tolstoy: 6A, 6B, 6C
Ivy Oneita Duce: 7A, 7B, 7C
Kitty Davy: 8A, 8B, 8C
Delia DeLeon: 9A, 9B, 9C

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