Symbols of the world's religions



David Fenster

Goher's first real memory of Mehera comes from the 1938 birthday on the hill, when Mehera was 31: "Mehera was outside Baba's cabin, dressed in a long skirt and blouse, putting rangoli [coloured chalk-designs] on the ground. She had just washed her hair. She had lovely, beautiful, long hair.

"Standing there, she looked very beautiful. I always admired her. I had a natural attraction to her, but Mehera was very shy in those days. She talked to you, if you went up to her, but she used to be so busy. So many other people who had come wanted to speak with her; but what little opportunity we had, we did talk to her.

"In the very early times, Baba didn't say Mehera was special, but by the time I went to Meherabad in 1938, I had heard about her. What I had observed during my short stay reinforced what I had heard of Mehera's special role. During this visit, I saw Mehera serving food to Baba, or sitting by his side when he was on his ghadi. Baba always showed more affection towards her, more consideration for her. Their relationship seemed so natural."

Alu Khambatta, a young woman doctor from Bombay, met Mehera for the first time then as well: "About 200 women were present, but as soon as I spotted the women mandali, I felt they were different. I didn't know then that they were the mandali. I had heard many things about Mehera from Arnavaz, but I had never seen her.

"She didn't seem at all conscious of her surroundings. Her eyes were always lowered. She was not an earthly being. This is how I felt. Mehera's eyes were always wet with tears, tears of happiness all the time. I could feel that her love was so deep for Baba. She did not say a word. She was either looking down or at Baba all the time, unaware of her surroundings.

"There were no formal introductions made to Mehera. She was always kept aloof. When company came, she talked with them; but at that time, her voice was so soft you could barely hear what she said. She did not mix and never looked anywhere when the group was present. We were not allowed to talk with her. We were not allowed to embrace her also — only on special occasions, when Baba permitted it."


MEHERA-MEHER, A Divine Romance, vol 1, pp. 396-397
2003 © David Fenster


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