Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

God's Imagination begets Universal Mind, Universal Energy and Universal Body in which are contained the individual minds, individual energies and individual bodies of every thing and being in Creation.

Universal Mind, Universal Energy and Universal Body are because of the existence of God's Imagination which exists as Non-existence within the Infinite Eternal and All-pervading EXISTENCE (God).

Individual minds, individual energies and individual bodies have no existence in themselves, but exist only as effects in existing Non-existence.

In my Universal Body are contained all the gross bodies of all the innumerable beings and things in Creation. Individual subtle bodies (energies) and mental bodies (minds) are part of my Universal Energy and Universal Mind. In both Universal Energy and Universal Mind there are no divisions.

Distance between a drop here and a drop there in the ocean makes no difference to each drop's relation to the ocean. Any drop within the ocean is within the entirety and homogeneity of the ocean.

There are no divisions in Paramatma; only the One Indivisible Ocean of Reality exists as Eternal Existence.


1989 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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