Symbols of the world's religions



Meher Baba

Dearest Shalimar,

Your last letter "ticked Me off" for tampering or balancing My Eternal Suffering with Eternal Bliss, whilst humanity has to suffer without joy or Infinite Bliss and happiness, implying was it fair?

Darling Shalimar — I want you to be always outspoken and free with your Beloved. I know you love, but imperfectly as yet, hence your lack of understanding. The Avatar has to suffer eternally for the world, but added to this is the often unnecessary suffering caused by his dearest and chosen ones just because they do not understand Him or His ways.

This gift of understanding is more precious than any other attribute of Love — be it expressed in service or sacrifice. Love can be blind, selfish, greedy, ignorant, but love with understanding can be none of these things. It is the Divine fruit of Pure Love, the rare fruit or flower of the Universe. It has been called "The sweetest Flower in all the world!" Age cannot wither it. It grows more lovely as it casts off its outer garment, disclosing its unseen beauty within.

What a wonderful opportunity to learn this "Love and Understanding" is given to those whom the Beloved — Himself the epitome of "Perfect Understanding" — calls to live near Him and what a tragedy for those who refuse. If they had any understanding of what they has "passed over" their suffering would indeed be unbearable. No physical suffering, no suffering of the present war could compare with it. Had they had understanding they never would have refused. How complicated is Life!

You criticize; you take lightly what should be taken seriously. You long at times to please Me, but you don't know how to and you refuse to be taught. You will sacrifice home, child, money, and freedom to understand and learn the art of the theater, the genius of the poet or painter in the pursuit of happiness. You spare no pains to try to understand what interests you, but when I, your Beloved, say "Learn of Me" and "Perfect Understanding, the fruit of Pure Love," you are not prepared to sacrifice anything for its possession. What sort of love is this, I ask? Love cannot force. To serve, please, and love Me is a very different thing from what, let us say, Hitler asks of his followers. They obey — if not they are shot or imprisoned. My followers obey Me voluntarily — a far more difficult ideal.

Learn eventually you will, but in a school where suffering may not be combined with the presence of eternal bliss and happiness as it would if you had come to Me as I asked. There is so much in you which I need for My work. Such capacity to understand, had you the desire to learn and the grit, determination, and courage to strive for the goal. Who better than you were able to realize My changing moods, My present need, My unspoken wish; but you grew tired and wanted change! Like a child, you wanted the fairy palace, the fine jewel, without the climb and toil for its attainment.

No, darling Shalimar, don't be miserable because this time I have "ticked you off!" Write again soon and tell Me all your plans and what you would like to do. You have chosen the longer of two Paths toward the happiness you sincerely desire, but it is a path and I will lead you along it to the end. So you have nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. Mine you always were and Mine you will always remain whether there or here.

All My love to dearest Shalimar and a kiss to Pat.



THE OCEAN OF LOVE, pp. 85-87, Delia DeLeon
1991 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust


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